‘so how can you help me?’That was the first question Janette asked when we met her at home in Glen Iris. She was sitting with her daughter, Erica who contacted us a few days earlier. Janette is a dynamic woman of 84 with Alzheimer’s. Until now she has been living independently, but the family doctor felt the time was approaching when Janette needed a greater level of care. It was clear from the conversation with Erica, that recent behavioural changes were also a cause for concern. Judy: “I explained to Janette that moveU offers many services depending on what each person requires… Georgie: “…things like finding alternative accommodation or options for assisted living, de-cluttering the house, organising the home for sale or lease, helping to pack, finding alternative accommodation…” Judy: “We discussed this with Janette because it’s important that people are involved in these discussions, and feel that their opinions are valued.” Georgie: “It also helped Janette understand why living alone was no longer an option.” Judy: “Previously Erica found this sensitive topic difficult to raise with her mother, so she appreciated that we were able to do it and deflect criticism away from her.” Georgie: “She was also concerned about finding accommodation close to where her mother lived, but without compromising on the quality and care available.” Judy: “We helped to research the options, created a short list and took Janette and Erica to see them.” Georgie: “It was obvious that Erica was uncomfortable with the role reversal she had been required to assume with her mother.” Judy: “We advised Erica and her brother of different programs available to further their understanding of the issues associated with their mother’s condition.” Georgie: “By the time we left Erica felt more at ease. To her credit, Janette was taking all of this in her stride and at one point was reassuring her daughter. The unspoken conversation, the one that would have occurred between them had Judy and I not been there, would have added to the stress of the family.” |